Saturday, October 26, 2013

Profiling - Part 2 (Void Cut Visibility)

Continue from the last post, I will talk about another unique way of using Profile family in family creation. Like the last tip I showed, you can only use nested profile family on Sweep and Swept Blend form creation.

Let's try to use sweep for something different this time. I am going to create two different options for cabinet door. This concept could apply to other things though. Don't limit your imagination!

To begin, I will start by making a profile family and simply draw a circle and set the "radius" as a parameter.

I have made a simple version for the cabinet panel. In this case, I want to use a void sweep to create a recess door panel for the cabinet; at the same time, I want to have an option to maintain this as a flush panel.

First, make a solid sweep using the nested profile family of the circle.

Once this is done, go to the properties of the sweep, under Solid/Void and set it "Void". I always start off as a solid sweep in this step instead of void because doing so it will be easier for me to set up other parameters in the following steps. If I had made it as void in the first place, it would automatically cut out the panel adjacent to it.

Go back to the sweep properties, you will notice there is a parameter called "Horizontal Profile Offset". By setting this parameter with a positive value, it will offset/lift the sweep, thus move away from the panel. Not only that, you can use this value and assign it as a parameter.

So, here is what I do:
When horizontal profile offset is at 0", it will cut the panel; when offset value is at 6", it will move away.
What I need is to associate this parameter (Sweep Offset) to the family first.

Next, use "cut geometry" to have the sweep cut the panel. Go to family type, change the value again from 0" to 6", notice the void sweep now has moved away, so the panel appears to remain flush again

Using this idea, you can now set up a yes/no parameter to drive the void sweep (visibility). I name it (Show Recess Panel). Next, go to parameter Sweep Offset, under the formula field, type a condition statement like this:

if(Show Recess Panel, 0",6")

By doing so, you can now use the check box (yes/no parameter) to drive the void sweep location, which is like you have a switch to control the visibility of the void form.

Nest the panel to the cabinet (host) and associate the "Show Recess Panel" parameter, you have now created 2 different styles for the panels within the same cabinet.

You can also apply this concept on many other things.

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